Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy Fall!

We hope everyone had a restful Fall Break! We have closed out the first 9 weeks and are ready to finish up this semester on a great note. 

Report cards will be sent home TODAY! Please be on the look out for these.

Here is a rundown of upcoming events/deadlines/etc...
 1. MS State is hosting a Maroon and White Night at Whispering Woods Hotel and Convention Center beginning at 7 pm. If you have applied  or are interested in attending MSU make plans to be at this event! RSVP to Christa Hudson at or by phone at (901) 238-4896.

2. Tuesday, October 22 we will be hosting a Financial Aid Night and Mini College Fair from 5:30-7. There will be two financial aid sessions at 5:30 and 6:30. Please email Mrs. Brown at to reserve your spot in one of the sessions. We have a limited number of slots for the financial aid sessions! Juniors and seniors should make plans to attend!

3. Next Friday, October 25, we are hosting a Jane Ross ACT Workshop. The cost is $60 and you can sign up in the Guidance Office. This is an excellent opportunity for our students. These workshops typically cost upwards of $200.

4. The last day to register for the December ACT is November 8. If you do not know how to sign up, we can help you! All seniors need to take the ACT at least one time during high school.

5.  Juniors will be taking the ASVAB on November 11.

6. Freshmen-want to see how you would perform on the ACT? Take the PLAN on November 14. This is a pre-ACT and will give you an idea of how you will score on the real thing! The cost is $12 and you can pay Mrs. Hutchins in the Guidance Office.

7. Congratulations to the following students for scoring 30 or better on a portion of the ACT in June and September:

Jake Frederick

Alex Hanna
Savannah Joyce
Zach McCain
Amandayn Abney
Justin Alberson
Taylor Baker
Madison Hester
Jordan Reynolds
Kayln Seale
Ellyn Shaffner
Rachel Spiers
Daniol Swann
Andrew Daniel
Dalton Carver
Mary Holland Burnett
Arian Hill
Catherine Peters
Brianna Starnes
Joseph Szabo
Brock Tschume


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