Upcoming Events
Bus Trips
The University of Tennessee will host the annual multicultural bus trip Sneak Peek for
interested high school minority Juniors departing from Memphis February
27 & returning February 28, 2015. The deadline for students to
return their transcripts and parent permission forms is February 6,
2015. This website has details: http://admissions.utk.edu/sneakpeek
The JUMP Overnight Visit Program will
is the annual admitted senior minority student program that will take
place April 10 & 11. The website will be updated soon: http://admissions.utk.edu/JUMP
Open House
University of Tennessee is looking forward to announcing Spring Open
House dates very soon for March and a date on campus for the Orange
& White football game in April.
Summer Programs
University Of Tennessee College Of Engineering is hosting several week
long summer enrichment programs for middle and high school students.
Please share the website with interested students:
University of Tennessee College Haslam College of Business is hosting
two summer programs for students interested in business. Please see
their website for more details and share with your students:
Mailing List
students interested in University of Tennessee should register online
to get updates about admissions, scholarships, and programs